Saturday, July 11, 2009

Project explanation and beginning

This blog will be used exclusively to post the results of a year-long photography project.

I was inspired by a story on NPR about a group of photographers who took at a photo at 7:15pm every day for a year. I liked the concept--the discipline, the spontaneity, the banality. So, I decided to do something similar. I heard the story in early January, so it was past the official first day of the year, and I didn't want to use the same time of day they used. I therefore decided to use my own birthday, January 20, as a starting date, which was especially cool this year since it was Inauguration Day for an historic President. I chose 5:30pm as my time because that's the time of my birth as listed on my birth certificate. It seemed as good a time as any: theoretically after the "end of the work day" but a time when many people are in transit in some form of another. (It's also a time of the day when I'm usually already awake regardless of the day of the week!)

I'll admit I haven't been as diligent about it as I'd planned, at least not early on. I hadn't yet established a good system for reminding myself to take the photo precisely at 5:30, and there were days when I flat out forgot to have my camera with me at the right time. I'll be noting that kind of info with each photo posting. I also did not establish any ground rules for myself on whether I could only take one photo, or whether I could take several and choose one, or whether I would only take one--but that I would retake it if there was a problem with exposure or a camera settings, etc. The former would be the purest, though I've tended to do a little of the last two also. Some photos are set up, some are spontaneous, some are dull or poor, some are abstract, some are simply recording a time and place... And since I'm beginning to post these in July, the project is still only halfway done.

I had planned to begin posting them immediately after beginning the project. Somehow that didn't happen. The more time went by, the less urgent it seemed on my to-do list ("at this rate, one MORE day won't matter, right?"). So, I'm not pleased about the fact that it's taken so long to set up the blog and begin uploading the photos, but at least it's not December! And there's a decent possibility that I may want to continue this project after next January 20.

So, starting with January 20, at 5:30pm EST in Washington, D.C. on Inauguration Day for Barack Obama, I took a photo of my hat (from the icy weather) with the buttons I bought while trying to leave the inauguration (which was a frustrating adventure in itself.)

January 21, waiting for the bus from DC back to Philadelphia, where I have a flight the next morning. Taken 6:04pm (I was already off to an inconsistent start!

January 22, on the plane from Philly to Austin, taken at 6pm ET.

January 23, 5:30pm. My parents and I are headed to check out the venue for my wedding in March.

January 24, 5:30pm. Here are the wedding shoes (still at DSW before heading to checkout.)

January 25, 5:30pm. The huge white board in my bedroom with a semi-organized to-do list.

January 26, 5:30pm. First day of J336, the Visual Design course for which I'm a TA.

January 27, 5:30pm. On the Forty Acres bus heading home soon.

January 28, 5:30pm. Shopping at the University Co-op with Darrell.

January 29, 5:30pm. Jenn, my co-TA, gave me this shark because she knew I'm passionate about SHARKS!

1 comment:

  1. I would just like to say that I think that's a wonderful idea taking a picture everyday for a year! I tried to do that once, but I never seemed to remember to take a picture that day. Hope all goes well with it.

